Finding Solutions for Adults with Autism

We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone. All forms submitted on this website are sent only to us and saved in a secure database.

Are you autistic or do you have a friend or family member who is?

Are you currently receiving services through a waiver or another funded program?

If you answered yes, what program/services are you using? Please describe funding source/services/hours provided.

If you answered no, explain reasons why you do not have services?

What is your greatest concern for you or your family member?

What programming/activities/housing do you feel would be most beneficial for your family member or you?

After looking at the site plan, what is your reaction ?

Would you like to be kept informed of the progress of this project? If so please check your preferred method of communication?

Do you know of any individuals/families that might benefit from this project? Please list.

What focus would you like the next meeting to have?

Please include any other comments or questions.

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